Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Christmas Everywhere

We went to McKenna's Christmas Program this week. This has been my 16th year attending one of my children's Christmas programs, and it never gets old. I always get butterflies in my stomach for them, because both Ashton and McKenna like to perform and get picked to play or sing extra parts. It always amazes me at how brave the girls are, and willing to lay it all out there on the stage. I always feel more anxious for them, than if I were about to perform. I don't know why, because they both always do an excellent job, leaving me full of pride.

You would have never have known that McKenna had a performance that evening she was so relaxed with her buddies.

Yapping About Clothes Before the Big Show

They All Looked So Cute

The theme of the program was "It's Christmas Everywhere!" The children performed Christmas songs from around the globe. Some of the songs they performed were "Kling, Glockchen, Kling" from Germany, "Kiyoshi Kono Yoru" from Japan, "La Nanita Nana" from Mexico, and many others. The song that McKenna had a part in was "D'ou Viens~Tu?" from Canada. I suppose this song was a little easier for her since part of it was in French, and McKenna attended a French immersion school her Kindergarten year. She did a real good job. Here is a small clip from the performance. There is the intro to the song, and then McKenna and two other girls approach the mike to sing their part. McKenna was the loudest. lol She did a real good job! We were all so proud of her.

So Proud Of Their Sister

Kiss GoodBye

2 Notes From My Friends:

Daisymomto4 said...

How wonderful! I love when the kid's perform, they are all so cute. :) Gwen's school choir performance is next week. :)


Sounds like McKenna has found her niche! Congrats to her!