Monday, September 29, 2008

Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Wild West Show

We had so much fun this weekend! We went to the Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop and Farm for their Wild West Show. It really was a blast. The kids were transported in time by the sights and sounds of the Wild West. The Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop is located in Olathe, Kansas. The farmstead was an original stop on the Oregon and California trails. The farm was founded by James and Lucinda Mahaffie in 1858. It is currently a museum, often hosting reenactment events, such as the Wild West Show. Three of the original Mahaffie farm buildings still stand, and it is the only remaining stop on the Santa Fe Trail. It is a fun place to visit even when they aren’t hosting an event.
There was so much stuff to do at the farm. There were gunfights, Mariachi bands, dancers, craftsmen, and a Wild West Show. We got to take in the Wild West Show. The performances consisted of trick riders, trick shots, fire eaters, and so many others. One of our favorites was the woman who recreated Annie Oakley’s trick shot show. McKenna was real impressed with Miss Oakley. She and I went to visit “Miss Oakley” in her tent. Afterwards McKenna was inspired to do some shooting of her own. We took her to the shooting gallery. It was her first time shooting a rifle, and she hit the bullseye several times! She was a natural. The guys at the gallery were impressed, as were her Dad and I. We have dubbed her “Little Miss Sure Shot”.
Another person McKenna was excited to meet was the Teddy Roosevelt. McKenna is really fascinated by Presidents. She can tell you the name of every President, including which number they were President. She also knows facts about many of them. Her favorite President was Lincoln, followed by Teddy as a close second. She and the Teddy actor had fun swapping Roosevelt facts. As a reward for her knowledge on Roosevelt he gave her a Roosevelt campaign button. She was impressed with that.
The fair also had several performers. I enjoyed watching the Mexican dancers. The dancers represented different regions of Mexico. They were so cute. Burt enjoyed Charro Jerry Diaz. He had Mexican Dancing Horses. The horses were so beautiful, and it was really neat to watch them move in time to the music. Jerry’s wife and four year old son join him in the performance. His son, Nicholas, was so adorable. Below is a video of part of Charro Jerry’s act.

The kids got to participate in so many activities and events. Some of their favorites were riding the stagecoach, hitting the pinata, panning for gold, making wooly sheep, and leather stamping. They also got to ride horses and ponies. The kids also met other animal friends. They encountered sheep, goats, oxen, and bunnies. They even met a wolf.
There was so much to see and do that we didn’t even get through it all! If you ever get a chance to go to Olathe make sure and stop in at Mahaffie. The Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop will definitely be one of our regular stops now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Bore

the bore

the rambling talk of a fool
so loud and verbose
whose words prattle on
disregarded by most
impatience is what
you have incurred
mocking a mind
with your bloated words
disteem your badge
earned with distinct
given to a bore
who's never succinct

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm Lovin' It

I really enjoy my son. He is just such an imaginative child. He kind of lives in his own world at times. A world of fantasy, where characters from stories come to life for him. That is a good thing I think, and I try to encourage it at every turn. He is probably one of the most imaginative people I have ever been around. So , when we went to McDonald's one day and the old clown himself showed up, he was just in awe. Brendan's enthusiasm for Ronald was felt by the whole crowd. When Ronald was looking for a volunteer to help with a magic trick, he naturally gravitated to my son. Brendan giggled with delight, and was so impressed with Ronald's "magic". I wish I had a video of it. Brendan always reminds me to take time to enjoy the simple things in life. He teaches me to enjoy the world around me, and to appreciate the magic that can be found in the most ordinary of place.

Who the heck is that??

It's Ronald!!

I hope he picks me!!!
Can you believe he picked ME??
Time for some magic!
Give my helper a hand.
Send in the clowns.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ancestor Song

Listen for the Prairie Song,It'll call to you all night long.

Whistling over blades of grass,carried by wind, voices from the past.

Echoing over distance and space.

The Plains version of Amazing Grace.

Let it wash the bitterness from your lips,That rushed from you like a Judas kiss.

Honor the ones that brought you forth,Give your ears to their ancient chorus.

Find respect with each refrain,So their sacrafices were not made in vain.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Monkeying Around

Monkey See Monkey

Brendan and Nico Becoming Friends

Kindered Spirits

McKenna Meets Nico

Aww, Brendan He Is So Cute

Hey Nico, That Tickles

Tuesday, September 2, 2008



Stamping down her feet, she balls her fists of fury.

Standing on her soapbox, becoming judge and jury.

Never letting go of any slights or injuries,

Holding tight to grudges, vengeance all she sees.

But her rants ring false, herself she's made a fool,

For she has forgotten the important Golden Rule.

Wrapped up in herself, her past her main concern.

Lessons that were taught, were never really learned.

How can you state the worst is yours alone to claim~

When those who care for you, receive nothing but the same?