Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Brendan's First Parent Teacher's Conference

Brendan With Miss "O"

Excuse me while I take a minute to brag up my son. Brendan started Kindergarten this year, and we had his first Parent Teacher's Confrence last night. I was blown away! Burt and I always knew he was bright, but we were shocked by how much he is ahead. He finished his math test for the YEAR! He already mastered all he was supposed to have learned in math for the entire year. He also has been picked to be a peer tutor. He will be helping the other kids learn their letters and phonics. I was so impressed. His teacher is just the coolest. Miss "O" is a perfect fit for him, forever keeping him challenged. My son loves to learn, and is so inquisitive. His mind is a steel trap, and can remeber everything. He wants to be a Lego designer when he grows up. If he keeps going the way he is, I have no doubt he will reach that goal. So this was my moment to brag. Thanks for indulging me!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Autumn in Our Woods


"Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree."
~Emily Bronte

I am so happy that fall is here. It is my favorite time of year. We've been busy at our little Missouri cottage. The walnuts are starting to fall from the trees along with the leaves. We’ve been out to the orchard, and picked up some apples. I swear this year’s apples are some of the best apples I have EVER had. They are so sweet, so juicy, and just plain delicious. We have devoured a whole 10 lbs bag of them in a week. lol I had to pick up some more apples so we can make some caramel ones. Yum!

The woods are especially beautiful this fall. They not only are filled with the various colors of the leaves, but a multitude of purple, white, and yellow wildflowers still remain. (Although after this weekend’s freezing temps, I don’t think they will be around much longer.)

I have also managed to get the kids their costumes for Halloween already. McKenna is going as a 50’s girl, and Brendan as Mario from Super Mario Brothers. He is obsessed with Nintendo. Not quite as bad as his obsession with LEGOS, but still pretty bad. I feel way ahead of the game.











