Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Hailstorm

Some of the huge hailstones that hit our house the other day. They were golf ball to tennis ball sized. Notice the car in the background that pulled into our yard to get under the trees. The guy was desperately trying to throw a blanket over his sunroof. It was the largest hail either Burt or I had ever seen in person. The pieces in the photo weren't the largest on the ground, they were just the closest to the door. Burt didn't want to risk a hailstone to the head to retrieve more. lol It sounded like someone was throwing rocks at our house.
It wasn't the largest hail that hit our area that day. Up north they had GRAPEFRUIT sized hailstones. However, our pic here was featured on our morning news all day! It was the largest hail in the actual metro area. McKenna was so proud that her hand is famous now. lol


2 Notes From My Friends:

Heartfelt living said...

Amazing! We had hail here as well and I quickly ran and scooped some up into a cup to show everyone but ours was only the size of a dime. I don't think I have ever seen hail that large. Funny to see ice fall from the sky in June!

Daisymomto4 said...

wow that's some huge hail!